Partner with Us
New real estate agent?
Looking to get your real estate license?
If you don’t want to be a typical real estate agent, you might want to join our team. We provide leads, education, and a solid system that helps you become successful on your own while belonging to our community. You provide strong character, and the willingness to work and excel.
We operate in all of North Texas and are expanding into Oklahoma, west Texas, and south Texas. Don’t move – work in your own community and improve it one home at a time.
Contact us to see if we can work together.
Active real estate investor?
We know it’s tough to find deals. That’s why we partnered with two leading industry powerhouses, and We can find and sell you houses that are as-is, with structural repairs, or torn-key investments.
Passive real estate investor?
Contact us to receive more information on investing in real estate with us.
Local government or Economic Development entity? Contact us to see if we can turn that land or blighted area into a source of community price and tax revenue.

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